New Moon in Taurus -

We have a wholesome New Moon in Taurus on 11th May 2021, at 21 degrees of the sign. Unchallenged, this is a soothing, grounding New Moon that sets the scene for Jupiter's entry into one of its favourite signs, Pisces.

The promise of joy, love, wellbeing, financial stability and all we value is in the air over the next four weeks. The New Moon in Taurus invites us to slow down, approach everything practically, and appreciate the beauty that is in all the simple things of our lives. This is an opportunity for a new start in your finances, resources, possessions, self-worth, and the physical body. It is also a 4-week period in which we focus on what we value, what brings us a sense of resourcefulness and abundance, what we deem precious in our lives.

The urgency of Aries season is forgotten, replaced by a sense of practicality, a preference for what brings value in the long term, and the joy of nurturing ourselves. Taurus knows that good things take time and nurturing. Quick fixes do not exist; overnight successes take years of preparation. That is why this energy teaches us patience, consistency, pragmatism and resilience.

Taurus loves the good things in life. This is energy that wants to build, maintain, sustain, get real about what it values and wants. With finances and possessions providing an unquestionable source of security during this season, this is the perfect time to revisit our values and our relationship with money and abundance. Are we living in harmony with our values? What can we do to feel more secure in life, now and in years to come? Does our self-esteem need nurturing? Can we develop a sense of wellbeing independently of the physical, material and professional entrapments we may shackled to?

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July 2023 Predictions 

June Delight 

Jupiter in Taurus 

Eclipses in Taurus and Scorpio 


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Eclipses in Aries and Libra