Moon Principle in Astrology

The Moon In Astrology

The Moon in our birth chart (our true horoscope) describes how we meet our needs to be safe, nurtured, and accepted, both emotionally and physically, and through food and our home environment. It is our most authentic, intimate, vulnerable self that only those closest to us get to see and experience.

The phase, placement, progression and aspects of the Moon colour our unfiltered responses to experiences, and internal and external stimuli. Reflecting our emotions, it reveals our subconscious predispositions and conditioned reflexes, as we scan and respond to each ineffable trigger from our inner and outer worlds.

Every month, twice a month, the Moon comes together with and opposes the Sun, thus marking a moment of unparalleled creative energy. While New and Full Moons mark pivotal moments in your present, when the lunation coincides with an eclipse, which happens 4-6 times a year, the effects are life-changing.

To this day, the lunar principle gives voice to the feminine in all of us, whether male or female, with its focus on instincts, intuition, emotions, and comfort. Through the Moon we re-connect to our roots, heritage, tribe, and even our DNA. The Moon is our memory, an unconscious pull to the past that gives us a sense of identity, safety, and belonging.

Another critical symbolism of the Moon in a natal chart is that of representing one's mother, and indirectly, one's family, as perceived by the individual. At times, it may also signify female connections, or the public, and how we interact with them. In the charts of both sexes, the Moon is the primary indicator of relationship harmony or lack thereof. In a natal chart the Moon symbolises the type of partner individuals are likely to be attracted to, what qualities will make them feel comfortable and warm, what is essential for a nurturing relationship. Awareness of our partner's Moon sign and aspects in relation to our own can dramatically improve how we relate to one another. If we understand our partner's Moon, we understand his or her true needs.



The Reset Button – Saturn In Capricorn 

The Full Moon Through The Houses 

The Forgotten Wisdom of The Phases of The Moon