Happy 2021 - SparkAstrology.com

Happy 2021

Goodbye 2020, Hello Future!

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Welcome to a sparkling new year! And welcome back to hope and optimism! Oh, how I've missed you...


Unless you've been living under a rock, you'll know that we've just had a tremendous shift from Capricorn to Aquarius, enough to power centuries of progress. What I really like about this combination is that it brings a breath of fresh Air, much needed after the heaviness of the Capricorn years. Allow me to elaborate...

With both the social planets and the Mercury retrogrades in Air signs, 2021 will feel much lighter and will set the tone for more inclusion, diversity and solidarity in society. Debate and ideology will be firing us up to fight for what is just, no matter how small a group of people are affected. With a reniewed belief in tomorrow, ideas and hope will propel us forward, determined to change the world and dismantle outdated mental and political structures that are holding us back.

This is a year for a new vision for humanity, during which life as we know it will be re-engineered from the ground up. Not all of it in one year, mind you, but do expect the seeds of change and big breakthroughs especially around February, June and December, when the square between Saturn and Uranus is most keenly felt. Challenges to the status quo, social unrest, radical plans, technological revolutions are all very much of a possibility at these times.

A warning about much of January and parts of February - Mars will be quite incendiary as it squares Saturn and Jupiter and conjoins Uranus! I'll be posting a video on this topic soon, but please try to keep a cool head while it triggers us in January/February, June and November.Uranus continues to rattle all to do with the economy, natural resources, food, and financial markets, while Pluto from Capricorn continues to expose abuses of power in the upper echelons of society. Both planets will continue in the same signs for a few more years, so we haven't seen the end of these topics yet.

As ever, eclipses will point the finger repeatedly at where in your life you need to change. I talk about some of the themes in my post on the current series of eclipses in Gemini and Sagittarius. Some of these include:

  • Prejudice
  • The challenges of living in a hyper-connected world
  • Ungrounded wanderlust and travel restrictions
  • Over-promising and under-delivering
  • Being overly philosophical or getting lost in theory
  • Arrogance
  • Insatiability and greed 

Finally, Venus will go retrograde in Capricorn this year, so expect a painful re-assessment of all that you value, including your career, finances and relationships. Nothing major then... 


The signs under the spotlight this year are primarily Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Aquarius. I will be posting full 2021 forecasts by zodiac sign on my Patreon site, available only to subscribers. I hope you will be supporting me on Patreon, whether for a month at a time or longer. This allows me to produce good quality content, which will hopefully help you to master astrology and live a more magical, congruent life. The main focus on Patreon right now is on Chiron in your chart, a place of deep pain and insecurity, to be followed by a dive into relationships and living in synch with the moon. Look forward to unlocking this special content for you on Patreon!Any questions or if you would like a reading, please feel free to get in touch.

Much love,


Spark Astrology



Eclipses in Gemini and Sagittarius 

The Goddess Series – The Venus Glyph 

New Moon in Taurus 

The Goddess Series – Venus in Astrology 

Mars Transits Through The Houses 

Jupiter Through The Houses