Wheel Submission #21012 - SparkAstrology.com
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Is There A Gap In Your Life?

Assessment taken on:

Wheel Submission No: #21012

Closing The Gap

Congratulations! The self-assessment you have just done is a tremendous tool to create an extraordinary life for yourself. Without a doubt, you now know if there is a gap between today and your aspirations. So all you have to do now is work out a strategy to get to destination.


How do you feel about your life now as you look at your Life Wheel? Are there any surprises for you? Which of these categories would you most like to improve? What can most easily close this gap for you? Is it a What (a resource, a skill, etc.) or a Who (an expert) who can help you reach your goal most effectively? How long are you willing to give yourself to get there? These are some useful questions to ask yourself.