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Learn Astrology, get inspired in your life, understand how to navigate difficult energies and seize golden opportunities. Become proficient at analyzing birth charts, understanding the dynamics of your relationships, planning for success with the help of the stars.

Mars in Gemini

What can we expect from Mars in Gemini? Mars leaves Taurus and enters Gemini on 4th March 2021. It stays in the sign until 23rd April.

Venus in Pisces

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Happy Venus in Pisces! We’re now leaving behind much of the rigidity, edginess and headiness of the Aquarius stellium. Who’s happy about this?

Happy 2021

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Welcome to your new life! This is truly the beginning of a new era, the likes of which we haven’t seen in hundreds of years. This is History In The Making. This celestial conjunction of the two social planets is no small feat. Jupiter and Saturn get together every twenty years, and when they do, they birth a new vision and a new reality for humanity.

The Great Conjunction in Aquarius

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Welcome to your new life! This is truly the beginning of a new era, the likes of which we haven’t seen in hundreds of years. This is History In The Making. This celestial conjunction of the two social planets is no small feat. Jupiter and Saturn get together every twenty years, and when they do, they birth a new vision and a new reality for humanity.

Mercury Retrograde

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The last Mercury retrograde of the year, going from 11° Scorpio to 25° Libra.

So, will it affect you and cause mayhem in your comms and devices? Only if you have placements between those degrees, and in fact only near 11° of any of ♉🦂🦁♒, and near 25° of any of ♈♎🦀🐐. Why?

For two reasons:
– Planets are at their strongest when they start and end their retrograde
– What I call Gangsta planets (Uranus, Pluto, Saturn) are near those exact degrees mentioned above right now. And you know what they’re like…

So what do we do? Cancel life and relationships? No FFing way! (Yes, Mercury in Scorpio likes a bit of swearing… 🤭)

Saturn Contacts With Mars

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Saturn/Mars combinations are one of the toughest energies to navigate. This year they are at odds with each other from feisty Aries and unshakeable Capricorn. It’s a stalemate. It’s a brick wall. How is it affecting you? Read a classic excerpt from Erin Sullivan. Repost from 2019.

Mars Through The Houses

Mars in Aries is incandescent, passionate, independent, and reckless. What does its passage through your natal chart mean?


Eclipses in Gemini and Sagittarius

A new series of eclipses in Gemini and Sagittarius lasting through 2021 opens on the 5th of June 2020. What themes are likely to be triggered, and what does it mean for you?

The Goddess Series – The Venus Glyph

Venus in Astrology. What does the Venus glyph represent? How does its symbology help us understand and relate to this powerful goddess in astrology and in life?

Mars Transits Through The Houses

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Mars through Capricorn is always a big deal, but rarely more than this year. Find out why, and how it will affect you by house transit.

Jupiter Through The Houses

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Jupiter in Capricorn will help expand and magnify the affairs of Capricorn in your chart. Find out what Jupiter means as it transits your natal chart.

Libra Love

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Let’s hear what brilliant Liz Green has to say on the topic Libra at love.


Eclipse Cycles

Did you know that eclipses come in cycles? Yes, they repeat every six months, at similar degrees, and occur in the same two signs. Find out when they last occurred in the same signs.


Eclipses In Cancer and Capricorn

Eclipses may point to transformative times ahead, either personally or at global level, whether from internal or external circumstances. Why do they matter, and how do you prepare for them this July? Click on the blog post link to find out more.